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Tuesday, July 1, 2008 Calls it...Rays Going to Play Entire Regular Season Schedule

This little snipit is from’s John Donovan front page story today. Believe it or not, the Rays may be playing in September…coincidently, they’ll be doing it for the 10th time in franchise history.

Don’t blame Donovan, his article was coherent and thorough, but you’d think the other editors would at least reread a sentence before hitting the “Ok” button.

But more surprising is that Time Warner hasn’t allowed SI to go the way of CNN…Which is to allow publishing of stupid headlines and then when someone realizes their editor made a boo-boo, they slap a little “Buy a T-shirt of this so you have proof we’re dumbasses” on it and call it a day…

And I thought Capitalism was all charm…

1 comment:

falcon02520 said...

That is awesome. I can't believe the Rays will be playing baseball in September...

Technically, the Devil Rays have done in nine times. This will be the Rays first time...

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