With the Phils spectacular win and my job requiring, I don't know, some work, I wasn't able to post yesterday. But feat not, 10 Things... was still kept. Let's see what's stinkin' today
- T.J. Simers hackismo. If you didn't know, T.J. Simers is a pathetic excuse for a writer at the L.A. Times (which is really saying something, they also employ Bill Plaschke), who has taken to bashing the hell out of Philly, declaring, amongst other things, that the pissed off fan base doesn't deserve a winner. Subsequently, he's been subjected to numerous blogging banter that is frankly living up the the Angryville name Simers provided. This fraud of a writer now experienced some real fanship. The Dodgers got whupped 4-1 in a series and Philly fans watched as their L.A. counterparts arrived after the 1st and left before the 8th. Topping that, videos have surfaced of fraudulent L.A. fans douchebagging it up. Simers response for the poor attitude in L.A.? "I was afraid of this, knowing some folks born in Philly have probably moved here and become Dodgers fans over the years. The thing is, you just can't take the Angryville out of them, which obviously explains all the problems in Dodger Stadium."
- Too Much Champagne. Discussions have been abound on the internet (and some popular sports writers) regarding champagne celebrations throughout MLB. For some, its been an all out celebration for each step. Some are more subdued then others, but frankly they're all too much. Winning your division? Sure pop the cork and have a few minutes of fun. But Division Series and Championship Series victories mere weeks apart? Just crack a cold one. I understand a young team like the Rays grasping at each chance, but teams like the Red Sox or even the Phillies need not apply...they've taken these steps, no need to celebrate your next business trip.
- Obama's Delay. And here's praying for a sweep. Barack Obama will preempt FOX pregram for Game 6 of the World Series to provide Barack Obama with a 30 minute ad for his run at the Oval Office. I prefer my sports with politics (on the sideline). The RNC is protesting such a move...because they didn't think of it first. Frankly, the whole thing makes me sick.
- Wait, We're Still Talking About Favre? And you don't care. And you shouldn't. ESPN is now debating who got the best of the Favre deal; after 6 weeks of the season. Apparently nothing else is going on.
- Pacman is back...man. As I'm sure you heard earlier this week. Pacman was back to his old tricks. He's done with chances as far as I see it. No matter what you do for the guy, he doesn't get it. I say, let him walk.
- Wow Whitlock. Even for a hater, its impressive when KC Star's Jason Whitlock gets one right. Scoop just can't get it right...and he's not helping anyone.
- Don't Cap Mr. Penn. The rumors were out that once high seated William Penn was to be fitted with a Phillies cap. Mr. Penn has already been covered with a cap in 1993 and a Flyers Jersey in 1997, but fear of curses squashed that, thinking it was the cause for both losses. Turns out, as a result of the Eagles and Sixers runs, there's no such curse. But Mayor Michael Nutter isn't taking any risks. No Cap.
- Pessimism? If you've talked to a Phillies fan lately, you know s/he's pretty happy. But as happy as they seem, they know it doesn't mean squat. Don't act like they haven't won shit yet, they've done better than you, unless your a Sox fan (and even then, you've got a few hours at most). You say you're a Rays fan? Bullshit. So let the Philly guy get back to pessimism himself, he doesn't need your help.
- Simmons back to form. Its true, I gave Bill Simmons a sweetheart article not too long ago. I was wrong, he's back to form and the typical bullshit about basketball and him being better than you. Stop Reading him...please
- And This One Doesn't Stink: God Bless Uncle Charlie. You may think its pretty tough for the old fella to push through a few games of tough NLCS baseball to make it, but frankly, I think for good ole uncle Cholly it was the best medicine. Charlie Manuel lost his mother last week. I sympathize with that (though I've never experienced anything like that). I'm sure it weighed on Charlie's heart and I imagine there were times he would have preferred to go home. But that game, those guys in the clubhouse and perhaps the thought of doing what he loved...what his mother would have wanted, made it just a little bit easier.
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