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Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday AM - 10 Things I Think Smell like Shit

I apologize for the delay in our weekly "10 Things..." but I've been under the weather this week and haven't really been able to post (or get out of bed).

But I'm back today. Coffee in one hand, cold meds in the other trying to rock out the rest of the week as best I can.
  1. Broncos Win, but you probably didn't see it. Look, I think these Thursday night games are fantastic for the NFL and the viewing audience in general, but having them on the NFL Network totally defeats the purpose. As an avid NFL fan, I'll watch Pro Football almost any time I see it, but if its on the NFL Network, I ain't seeing it, nor am I shelling out 10 dollars a month for 6 games I really don't care about. You're dumb NFL...very dumb
  2. Vhere's the Money Manny? Seriously, a contract offer approximated at somewhere between 23 and 25 million a year over 2 years (with an option for a 3rd) and its not enough for a soon to be 37 year old slugger? Economic Downturn? Not so much.
  3. Simmons Vs. ESPN - Round 2. It was in probably the most ridiculous sports feud this decade, Bill Simmons is at odds with ESPN. Upset that ESPN didn't carry his Week 9 NFL picks, he posted them on his personal blog. Dave of Scotts Shots caught up with ESPN to little avail. I'd feel bad Simmons is if you'd mention the fact that the Phillies are better than the Sox...but you haven't, so you get no sympathy from me you two-faced, bandwagoning bastard (yeah, I said it).
  4. The Death of BNB's Father? Not literally, but the ArmchairGM phenominom has been slowing down (comment-wise) for months. If you're a loyal reader (or the other guy who reads us is) please feel free to stop by and have some fun.
  5. Oh Jake Peavy Where Art Thou? In an interesting rumor (or practically fact) Jake Peavy is being traded. But the fact that the teams involved appear to be from the NL almost entirely is stunning...moreover, the fact that any NL West team could be involved really threatens the quality of baseball out west...even more so than already.
  6. No Cuban? No Way? Across the rumor-wire this morning game the stunning development that the Cubs will be sold (ok, not that) but not to Mark Cuban (that). Even as someone who doesn't have a rooting interest in the Cubs, that's unfortunate. One of baseball's most faithful fanbases deserves an owner who would care as much as them and the boy's club that is MLB owners not allowing that is offensive and anti-capitalistic...
  7. Speaking of Chicago, Stay Classy Guys. As Deadspin just reported, Chicago MLS fans kept it classy during their celebration of clinching an MLS Cup giving the camera the finger. Nice.
  8. The GM Meetings...did nothing. In a whirlwind offseason for this fan, the GM meetings of this fall did little to tantalize hotstover lovers. While these meetings did little, they apparently (according to SI) have set up a future chain of events that may rock numerous baseball!
  9. Cole Hamels...Celebrity. As any good World Champion would (heh), Cole Hamels has made the rounds, going from ace pitcher to Hollywood whore. Just keep in mind Cole, you're only allowed to have an ego, when you have a quote Republicans in 2004..."Four More Years!"
  10. And this one doesn't stink. Barack Obama Elected first black President of the United States. Like I've said before, I'll rarely mention politics without a mocking tone, but this event (historically) cannot be passed up. Regardless of your side of the aisle or your beliefs, the momentus occasion of electing a black president is one that represents a significant step (in concrete terms) of America's growth. But what I'm most proud of is that this context, speaking as a young white man, meant little until after the election. What I mean by that is, Obama's color, race, creed, etc. had little, if nothing to do with my opinion, beliefs about him or how I would vote (as I'm sure and hope many others would agree) and for that I believe America has made significant progress.

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