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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Deadspin's Got the Balls

It isn't everyday there's an expectation of admonishment from politically correct bloggers. With Deadspin's current lead article promoting perhaps the best joke I've heard in a few weeks. The crux of the story really is East Carolina's upset of Vagina Tech.
Problem is, this blogger can just smell the PC explosion that emanates from Josh Zerkle's well crafted pop culture joke. So props to you Zerkle and your amazing joke. This BNblogger hopes no one attempts to tear you a new one.
We can only await the jeers of "too soon" and "how insensitive." We say "blow me."

Saturday Special Daily "Linkin' Logs" (8/30/08)

Inspired by waking up early and going to visit every Mission Hiller's favorite breakfast spot, Mike's Donuts. Now I'm primed and ready to provide some (less than quality, less than daily) linkin' logs.

If you smell that, then you know, its time for football. Sure its college (and doesn't really count!), but its real football by people who care out the outcomes of games. I'm not a college football junky by any means. Needless to say, we'll all be watching
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