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Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday Finale Daily "Linkin' Logs" (8/29/08)

If you didn't know now, John McCain just picked his running mate. I'll save the political BS, but if you're remotely politically savvy, you get it (much like Obama's choice).

What's that, you want me to talk about Obama's speech last night? My quick honest opinion was that his speech writer failed him, but he was the powerful speaker he's always been. But what do I know.

Anyway, It appears as though, I've jinxed it. Fuuuuuuucccckkkkkk. But the Phils struck back, by adding Matt Stairs (Great...)

Quick aside before the links. For the 8 of you that read/click, I may or may not be away for a few days (mid-next week?) and won't be able to post links. We'll try our best to get some coverage, but it may be sporadic at best.
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