Sometime we'll have to teach Romi, how to use blogger (and not wiki, which caused the formatting errors). But I thought he did a good job and I appreciate it. I just got back from some serious business, but all's well now. Just a few links tonight to keep things current.
- SSReporters tells us Sunday Night Football home teams...well, they suck
- Geez, it only took them 7 years to figure out Matt Millen is terrible...
- Plexiglass suspended?
- Rodney Harrison (the pot) calls Ricky Williams (the kettle) black. And yes, that sentence had all kinds of irony.
- Yours and mine's (and AA's) favorite NFL Broadcast map.
- AA also tells us Hawk Harrelson is...incredibly retarded
- And finally, Jay the Joke tells us about the new Beer Ban in Wrigleyville (and the stunning ridiculosity of it all!)
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