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Monday, August 18, 2008

Going For Gold Daily "Linkin' Logs" (8/18/08)

Looked at the calendar this morning and realized its already the 18th of the month; only about another month of summer and more like 2 weeks for real (pre-labor day) summer. Stunning

Well, unless you were stuck under a rock, in a cave, with your ears plugged and your hands over your eyes, you heard about Michael Phelps. Phelps is now a matter of national pride, and now the winningest Olympian in history. These facts aren't really debatable.

What's become debatable is the level of Phelps greatness. Some declare him the best ever based on his 14 career gold medals and 16 career medals (the others being two bronze medals from the Athens Games in 2004) and numerous world records. Others are not so sure, claiming advanced training methods, new swimsuits, deeper pools and so on give everyone an advantage to break records. Moreover, Phelps competing in 8 events this time, while Spitz only competed in seven, winning all of them in record fashion.

This BNBer is fine with saying Phelps is the best. Remember, records are made to be broken. Moreover, everyone Phelps competed with had the same advantages and the fact of the matter is much like every other sport, things advance and greatness is achieved over prior greatness. If you can't accept Phelps becoming the best, that it is my opinion that you're just stuck living in the sports past.

Besides, no one will really care in 2010...

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